This can be implemented in Powershell very easily to provide a means of searching and selecting from ComboBox's whose source is a list of PSObject's. The basic procedure:
- Create a list as a New-Object system.collections.objectmodel.observablecollection[System.Object], and $obj.Add each new-object PSObject passing its -Property hashref.
- Create a New-Object and set its source to the ObservableCollection.
- Optionally create a number of New-Object system.componentmodel.sortdescription's and add them to the sortdescription collection of the CollectionViewModel's view.
- Further on in your code, assign the CollectionViewModel's View as the ItemsSource of a ComboBox or other similar class, and add a TextChanged event to the corresponding textbox to refresh the view.
- Finally, add a Filter to the View by casting a scriptblock as a [predicate[object]] with a single parameter which you can cast back to a psobject and perform your match against. You can find the related textbox by doing a FindName on the textbox's x:Name property, set in your form's XAML.