Friday, 4 November 2011

Shell/Internet Explorer Automation in C#

It seems to me one of the great travesties of programming that a language with the power of C#, with all its LINQ goodness, nullable types and features such as the yield keyword, has such poor support for the COM architecture as compared to say, Visual Basic or Powershell. This lack of support is, of course to some extent by design: Visual Basic developed alongside the COM architecture while C# is relatively speaking a newcomer to the scene. Powershell of course manages its rich support of COM objects thanks to deep voodoo such as the use of IUnknown, type libraries, and so on. But what about C Sharp?

One of the recommended ways of COM interop in C# development involves using Interop assemblies generated by programs such as tlbimp or AxImp. However, for people working on a restricted environment where such tools are not available, no way exists to translate the functions the COM interface provides into .NET classes. So what to do then?

The incomplete answer, of course, is: use reflection. Our intent being to provide information to the development community at large, it is worthwhile providing a little insight into how this can be done.

The first thing to do is to create the COM object.  Because we will manipulating this via reflection, we start by assigning it to a simple System.Object, like this:
object ShellApp=Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application"));
Activator is in the System namespace, like Type.  If we look at the definition for CreateInstance we see the Type definition returned from GetTypeFromProgID contains the information required to instantiate the COM object.  This is essentially the C# equivalent of VB's CreateObject functionality.  From here, reflection is used to access the methods.

It is useful to use Powershell in exposing the COM interfaces, and COM members can be found via the Get-Member cmdlet.  But do not rely on it for everything: for instance, the FireEvent method on several classes (such as mshtml.HTMLSelectElementClass, etc), should actually be called as fireEvent (with a lower-case f). However, Powershell exposes the member as FireEvent.  Attempting to call this with reflection results in a name not found exception.  So when in doubt, check the relevant msdn documentation for the interface in question.

With that out of the way, lets begin.  The majority of your calls to the COM interface will look like one of the following functions (which I recommend you re-use and bundle within a class if you're going to be using them constantly):

        object GetCOMProp(Object sourceObj,String propName,object[] Param) {
            try {
                return sourceObj.GetType().InvokeMember(propName,BindingFlags.GetProperty,null,sourceObj,Param);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("Could not get property " + propName + " on " + sourceObj.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.ToString());
                return null;

        object SetCOMProp(Object sourceObj,String propName,object[] Param) {
            return sourceObj.GetType().InvokeMember(propName,BindingFlags.SetProperty,null,sourceObj,Param);

        object CallCOMMethod(Object sourceObj,String methodName,object[] Param) {
            return sourceObj.GetType().InvokeMember(methodName,BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,sourceObj,Param);

You'll notice these methods are very similar.  Firstly, they call GetType() on the object  to obtain type information.  This could be a COM object, or a CLR class exposed via COM, or something else.  Then, InvokeMember is used - we do not use GetProperty or GetMethod or any other such methods for COM, since usually your object type will be System.__ComObject - a type which has no method or property information exposed on a per COM basis.

The method or property name is usually case sensitive.  To return a property, the binding flags are set to GetProperty; to set a property, SetProperty; to call a Member which has parameters, use InvokeMember.

Once you have your object returned, you need to cast it to whatever type you require.  Often, this will be another object, in order to call a subproperty.  However it can also be a String, or some other value.

If you are expecting a function to return a non nullable type such as int or bool, you should cast to the related nullable type, ie bool? or int?.  This is because it is possible for InvokeMember to return null for various reasons.

Now that you have this out of the way, your implementation becomes a simple matter of invoking methods within try blocks, checking for nulls, and utilizing the very ample API documentation available both online and through the use of Powershell.

Here is an example function:
        public void ClickElementByName(object myWin,String elementName) {
            if (myWin == nullreturn;
            object[] noparm=new object[] {};
            object myDoc=GetCOMProp(myWin,"Document",noparm);
            object searchObj;
            if (myDoc == null) {
                Console.WriteLine("ClickElementByName: myDoc is null");
            } else {
                searchObj=CallCOMMethod(myDoc,"getElementsByName",new object[] {elementName});
                if (searchObj != null) {
                    searchObj=CallCOMMethod(searchObj,"namedItem",new object[] {elementName});
                    if (searchObj != null) {
                        CallCOMMethod(searchObj,"fireEvent",new object[] {"onclick"});

Lets take a look at how this works.  It receives an object of a window you have already identified, perhaps by iterating the Items method on the Windows() IDispatch of a Shell.Application object.  You can identify the interfaces called in Powershell by creating such an object and then assigning the return value of each function to a variable, and running ",$var|gm" (note the comma, which prevents Powershell from iterating any interface that the object may provide).  As you will see by following the above instructions, all we are doing is ensuring that we call the appropriate interfaces to iterate down the COM object's properties and methods chains.

Note that you can also work with such COM objects using the new .NET 4.0 dynamic variable type, but I'm sure you already have found that online.  When you're looking for backward compatibility and don't want to rely on interop libraries, Reflection is a satisfying, if cumbersome solution.

Monday, 25 July 2011

CollectionViewSource and auto-completion

Jason Kemp has a good article on using the CollectionViewSource class of WPF to create an autocomplete implementation. The first part of the series is at this url.

This can be implemented in Powershell very easily to provide a means of searching and selecting from ComboBox's whose source is a list of PSObject's. The basic procedure:
  • Create a list as a New-Object system.collections.objectmodel.observablecollection[System.Object], and $obj.Add each new-object PSObject passing its -Property hashref.
  • Create a New-Object and set its source to the ObservableCollection.
  • Optionally create a number of New-Object system.componentmodel.sortdescription's and add them to the sortdescription collection of the CollectionViewModel's view.
  • Further on in your code, assign the CollectionViewModel's View as the ItemsSource of a ComboBox or other similar class, and add a TextChanged event to the corresponding textbox to refresh the view.
  • Finally, add a Filter to the View by casting a scriptblock as a [predicate[object]] with a single parameter which you can cast back to a psobject and perform your match against. You can find the related textbox by doing a FindName on the textbox's x:Name property, set in your form's XAML.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Validation in Windows Presentation Foundation

Paul Stovell has a great article on the WPF error validation model at

The validation model in WPF is robust and tied in with Bindings, Using it in Powershell would be a matter of:
  • Implementing a C#/ class as a wrapper to System.Management.Automation.Scriptblock to override the Validate() method.
  • Programmatically set the validationrules property binding of the binding to include an instantiation of the new class.

Friday, 20 May 2011

DynamicResource as a Binding using Styles

Suppose you've implemented an IValueConverter that you want to utilise on a DataTemplate. The problem is, this data template has been defined as a separate XAML template file, external from your VB code, to improve the extensibility of the program into the future. You don't want to have to dynamically generate the xaml to include the namespace reference to your assembly. What then?

The answer is: use WPF styles. This will allow you to programmatically bind parts of an XAML element, with the details of this determined via dynamic resources upon use of the template. This means you can create the binding and specify the IValue converter using code. Here's how you would do it in

Dim sActivationStyle as Style=New Style()
Dim activationBinding as Binding=New Binding()
activationBinding.Path=new PropertyPath("activationDate")
activationBinding.Converter=new DateConverter()
sActivationStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.TextProperty,activationBinding))

Here, DateConverter is your IConverter class you have created to format the DateTime value specified by the activationDate property of the relevant object. Then you use the binding like this:

<TextBlock Style="{DynamicResource activationDate}" DataContext="{Binding}" />

Voila! You now have a datatemplate, loaded at runtime, with a binding set as a dynamic resource.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

UIAutomation, Unmanaged APIs and Powershell

Consider this scenario: you have an old, legacy program written in Visual Basic 6 (ThunderRT6 style controls). It is closed source and gets data back from an unknown location to display needed information in a list view format. Unfortunately, the output is somewhat lacking: no column sorting, no copying or parsing of the output, just viewing it.

How do you get this information back directly from the running program, so you can use it for your own needs?

The answer is via the .NET UI Automation interface. The assemblies in question are UIAutomationTypes and UIAutomationClient, among others, which you can add to your program's runspace via Add-Type using the -AssemblyName parameter.

The first thing you need to do is get the desktop:

Once you have the desktop, you can find your program.

$myprogram=@($desktop.FindAll("Subtree",[Windows.Automation.Condition]::TrueCondition)|where-object {$_.Current.Name -match "My Program's Title"})[0]

Once you've verified your program's form is running and able to be found, you can find items within its control space:

$lview=@($myprogram.FindAll("Subtree",[Windows.Automation.Condition]::TrueCondition)|where-object {$_.Current.ClassName -match "ListView20"})[0]

The example above is returning classes matching ListView20. We are looking for the control ListView20WndClass in this case - an old VB6 list view control. Once we have it, $lview.Current.NativeWindowHandle gives us the hWnd to do more technical stuff...

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Win32 {
public class APIs {

[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="SendMessage", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
public static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(UInt32 hProcess,IntPtr lpAddress,IntPtr dwSize,UInt32 flAllocationType,UInt32 flProtect);
public static extern Boolean VirtualFreeEx(UInt32 hProcess,IntPtr lpAddress,IntPtr dwSize,UInt32 dwFreeType);
public static extern IntPtr GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd,out int procId);
public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(UInt32 dwDesiredAccess,Boolean bInheritHandle,UInt32 dwProcessId);
public static extern Boolean WriteProcessMemory(UInt32 hProcess,IntPtr lpBaseAddress,IntPtr lpBuffer,IntPtr nSize,out int lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
public static extern Boolean ReadProcessMemory(UInt32 hProcess,IntPtr lpBaseAddress,IntPtr lpBuffer,IntPtr nSize,out int lpNumberOfBytesRead);
public static extern Boolean CloseHandle(UInt32 hObject);

public struct LVITEM {
public uint mask;
public int iItem;
public int iSubItem;
public uint state;
public uint stateMask;
public IntPtr pszText;
public int cchTextMax;
public int iImage;
public IntPtr lParam;


$null=[Win32.APIs]::GetWindowThreadProcessId($lview.Current.NativeWindowHandle,[ref] $lvpid)

Here we have loaded functions from Kernel32 and User32 that will allow us to accomplish our goals. We get back the process id of the Window handle which allows us to write to the processes memory space.

Why would you want to do that, you ask? Well, since LVM_GETLISTTEXT, the message which allows you to return the text of a listview item, is above 1024 (the value is 0x102D specifically). Below this value (WM_USER), Windows performs automatic memory marshalling for you, however for custom controls such as this listview control, passing it a pointer to memory in Powershell's runspace with its managed code and shiny bells and whistles, would be a very bad thing (tm). Thats because this pointer is specific to Powershell's address space. The same pointer in the programs address space makes no sense and probably would overwrite critical program data.

Not a problem though, the function OpenProcess will allow you to allocate data in the other program's address space and copy data back from this memory.

$lvitem=New-Object Win32.LVITEM;

Here we have created an LVITEM structure, described in the MSDN documentation for LVM_GETITEMTEXT, and allocated some memory in the other processes memory space for it and a character buffer large enough to house the string. We then get back the number of items in the list view (LVM_GETITEMCOUNT is 0x1004). This can be done without any marshalling - SendMessage just returns this value as an int.

We would then need to loop over the items in the listview starting from index zero.


Here we set the LVITEM structure to reference the memory in the other process. We then need to copy it to a local buffer and copy this buffer ultimately to the processes memory space:

$null=[Win32.APIs]::WriteProcessMemory($lvphandle.ToInt32(),$lvstructmem,$ptrtolocalbuff,[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($lvitem),[ref] $outBytes)

Finally, we call SendMessage with the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message to get back the text of the subkey, and copy it back to our own memory space. We can then convert the buffer pointer to a string. In this case the VB6 program was using ANSI string encoding.

$null=[Win32.APIs]::ReadProcessMemory($lvphandle.ToInt32(),$lvstringmem,$ptrtolocalbuff,1024,[ref] $outBytes);

So there you have it. You would need to perform similar marshalling and calling of SendMessage for each field in the listview you wanted to get back as text.

From there you can do what you want with the data. Don't forget at the end however, to deallocate all the allocated memory:

$null=[Win32.Apis]::VirtualFreeEx($lvphandle.ToInt32(), $lvstringmem, 0, 0x8000)
$null=[Win32.Apis]::VirtualFreeEx($lvphandle.ToInt32(), $lvstructmem, 0, 0x8000)

Saturday, 16 April 2011

System.Net.HttpWebRequest and PowerShell, part 2

In the last post, we covered making a basic web submission and getting a response back using .NET and Powershell.  This is all fine and dandy, but without interpreting this data, you'll find yourself unable to postback to the application to login.

Sadly, .NET has no simple way inbuilt (without third party modules) to parse HTML into a tree structure capable of being easily navigated to extract information.  Again, if you were using InternetExplorer.Application, this provides an interface onto the DOM, but this does not allow you full control of the process of downloading data, which is what we're after here.  Its also extraordinarily slow: using Measure-Object, you can determine that parsing the innerHTML of an element using regular expressions can be from 10-20 times faster than returning  the row and column objects via the API and iterating over their innerText.

So let's assume we're using regular expressions.  How do we go about this?

Consider the following regular expression:
$r=[regex] "<($([String]::join('|',$tagnames)))((.|\n)+?)>"

Given an array $tagnames, we match an element that is any one of these tagnames, followed by the shortest possible number of characters, and then a closing right angled bracket.  This does not match (a) elements that are syntactically incorrect or (b) elements that do not have any attributes.

We can then extract the attributes via the following regular expression:
$r2=[regex] '((\s|\n)+)(\w+)=("[^"]*?"|[^\s]+)';

This extracts from the second match group of the first regular expression, the name and value pairs that constitute attributes.  They can be enclosed in quotes, or be a run of characters not containing a space.  You can abstract this to include the single quote as a valid enclosing character as well, I leave this as an exercise to you.

Lets suppose we want to extract all the input tags (including input type=hidden), filter them, and post some of then back to the application.  Tags such as __VIEWSTATE and other ones beginning with underscores are a good example of this.  They need to be transmitted with the session state cookie (which is not easily extracted from IE itself, but is easily gotten via System.Net.HTTPWebRequest)  in order to retain our login session.   Using these regular expressions and iterating the matches from the second will allow us to extract the name/value/type fields and extract them as required, prior to  posting them back.

So how do we post them back to the form?  Well, a post request needs to send data representing the post request to the server, and the data must be url encoded.


The above translates an array of hashrefs containing name,value pairs, into post data.  Note that you must first:

in order to load the assembly containing the UrlEncode function.

Finally, you must translate the data of the post request to the appropriate character encoding, and post it off.  Here is an example of that translation:


This is translating the string $pdata into a byte array representing the string in the UTF8 character encoding (that most commonly used by web servers).

Finally, you must let the server know how much data you will be sending, so it can allocate memory for your request, as well as telling it what format the data is in:

    $req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    $req.ContentLength = $bytez.Length;
    $reqstream = $req.GetRequestStream();
    $reqstream.Write($bytez, 0, $bytez.Length);

This completes your postback to the server and you now read back the data in the usual way (described in part 1).

Now you can check the results of your download and react in your program accordingly, saving the file or textual data to an appropriate location.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

System.Net.HttpWebRequest and PowerShell, part 1

Consider this scenario: You have a system written in .NET which produces reports in some well defined format: Excel, Access, etc.  To download these files, you fire up an IE window via the Internet.Application API, login to the application, navigate to the report and use the Click() method of the Button or Image element to fire off a post request.  This ensures that the hidden fields a .NET application may produce, such as the VIEWSTATE, as well as cookies, are preserved.

This works well, with the caveat that the user of the machine gets prompted for where to save this file.  You want to automate the download of the file to save it in an already defined location, to save the time waiting for the user to save the file and close the window.

You check the documentation for IE's automation API, only wind up disappointed.  You cannot automate the saving of the file via the InternetExplorer.Application interface, or any other interface that allows access to the mshtml API.  What then to do?

Well, luckily Microsoft's .NET API contains a class known as System.Net.HttpWebRequest, which allows you to send GET or POST requests to a server, and to manage cookies.  So if you can parse the HTML returned by this API, and extract the hidden input fields described above to repost to the server, you can read back the file that the server returns and save it.

To do this in Powershell however, requires some understanding of .NET. Lets take a look at a simple function to return a HTML response from a server.

function Get-HTML-Response {
  $req.CookieContainer=New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer;
  if ($cookiejar -ne $null) {
  $req.UserAgent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)';
  $sr=New-Object System.IO.Streamreader($strm);
  return @($req,$resp,$output);

The .NET 2.0 API allows you to create a HTTPWebRequest object directly from a URI via the Create method.  All we need to do is setup the User-Agent, method, and cookie store; then read back the response and return all the information to our script.

Note that this function does not deal with exception handling... if you want to do this (and you should care about exception handling), the documentation for the exceptions the above functions can return are available via the MSDN website.

To ensure that we can provide continuity between requests, we provide the option to pass a CookieContainer containing Session Info to the function, to communicate through to the server.

The response returned by GetResponse contains header information, including the status code returned by posting to the server.  You'll want to check this to ensure 200/OK status.  The request object's cookies are automatically updated by the process of submitting the request and returning the response.

Calling GetResponseStream on the request object, on checking it for consistency, will return a Stream object containing any textual output from the server (the server response or page content).  You  need to read this stream in using a Streamreader object or pass the stream to some other object that will deal with the information contained in it.  In this instance, we just return the output.

In the next installment, I'll discuss POST requests, and finally, HTML parsing and interpretation of the data.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Creating Styles with Storyboard Animation in Powershell

Here is an example of an event trigger which animates the color of a textbox on the MouseEnter event firing.

$trigger1=New-Object Windows.Eventtrigger([Windows.Controls.Textbox]::MouseEnterEvent);
$trigger1.Actions.Add((New-Object windows.Media.Animation.BeginStoryBoard));
$bsbitem.StoryBoard=New-Object windows.Media.Animation.StoryBoard;
[Windows.Media.Animation.StoryBoard]::SetTargetProperty($bsbitem.StoryBoard.Children.Item(0),[Windows.PropertyPath] "Background.Color");

Several things should be noted:
  1. You create the EventTrigger using the associated event from the type you are animating.
  2. $styletxtbox is a Windows.Style object.
  3. The trigger events mouse be events derived from Windows.TriggerAction.  This means they must be either wrappers for a Storyboard, or a SoundPlayerAction.  You can use Keyframes to quickly change a color, or use the smooth transitions defined in the inheritance hierarchy for Windows.Media.Animation.Animationtimeline
  4. Set the property operated on  via [Windows.Media.Animation.StoryBoard]::SetTargetProperty.
The question might be raised, why not just use XAML and save yourself all the trouble?  Well, there are several answers to that, most of which focus around.
  • The wastefulness of dynamically generating XAML code for a dynamic form, parsing it and creating the objects VS just creating or manipulating the objects involved directly.
  • The capacity to easily reference every one of the elements of the form as a variable, for instance in writing event handlers.
The key here is to understand when it is necessary to use either declarative or procedural methodologies in evolving the objects.  Dynamic flexible data calls either for procedural design, or data templating, whichever fits more with your design methodology.  WPF supports both.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Raison d'ĂȘtre

  • LiveJournal is dead.  Long live LiveJournal!
  • Facebook is facile, and unsuited to deep conversation.  Your actions are on display.
My reasons for starting this blog are varied. The first is philanthropic, to the programming community at large. I've been a programmer, system administrator or customer support person since 1998, on and off in various positions. What I've learned about programming, interface design, and the pros and cons of different programming methodologies during this time has helped me evolve... from the small intricacies of Perl/CGI based programming in the earlier years, to fully fledged timer driven UI-design in .NET.  I want to share some of the painful experiences and revelations based on experience I've had since starting this path, as there is a lack of information on particular topics in the area for instance of WPF based design, Windows Forms, Silverlight and so on.

I come originally from a Linux background, but as a programmer I have found the most joy in the abstraction that Powershell and the various Windows Interop DLLs presents to me.  Why?  Nothing that I am aware of in the Unix environment at present allows such a level of integration between existing programs and scripts, to the extent that one can cut and paste data from a spreadsheet to an automatically created email in 5 lines or less of code.  Microsoft it seems, made a very wise business decision in providing the level of abstraction they have in their products, such as Word, Outlook and Excel, as well as Access.  The ability of programs to access well defined API's to create Word documents, interact with Outlook's calendar or mail merge faculties, and more, when combined with the .NET based scripting which Powershell provides, presents to the programmer:
  • Rapid development based on models including extreme programming and functional programming.
  • The ability to abstract the development process and allow for easy customization of a UI via text  (whether in centralized INI files or the registry).
Why is this so important?  Well, for one it makes for a rapid development lifecycle, the ability to test code straight from the command line without need for lengthy recompilations of code.  Powershell's seamless ability to create background runspaces in CTP2 means the ability to create multithreaded, responsive applications.  Secondly, it means abstraction, along the lines of that abstraction which LISP originally provided in the early days of Unix.  Powershell's Invoke-Expression, as well as its quick access to function definitions direct within the environment, when combined with easy GUI design, makes it possible to embed REPL's within code for ease of testing and debugging.   It even makes it possible for Powershell code to write, test and then save or edit code in a language, in short, to create an IDE within the language itself, in a very small number of lines, to enhance the already formidable powers of the ISE.  Scenarios such as that seen in the movie Swordfish start coming out of the realm of fiction and into the realm of quite possible FACT.

So that is one reason for the creation of this blog - the exploration of how to go from 0 to 360 in the realm of GUI based programming in this area, within months.  At times I may also discuss topics that are best described as philosophical... the connections between abstraction and evolution, pros and cons of different types of abstraction, perhaps even futurist topics (or their nemesis, survivalism).  The topic is anything that interests me, and if you don't like a post, you don't have to read it.  Thats the beauty of free-will.

I have many interests, but this one will be mainly restricted to programming, abstraction, and topics related to evolution (especially as it relates to continuum or catastrophe theory).

With that in mind, lets begin!