The answer is: use WPF styles. This will allow you to programmatically bind parts of an XAML element, with the details of this determined via dynamic resources upon use of the template. This means you can create the binding and specify the IValue converter using code. Here's how you would do it in
Dim sActivationStyle as Style=New Style()
Dim activationBinding as Binding=New Binding()
activationBinding.Path=new PropertyPath("activationDate")
activationBinding.Converter=new DateConverter()
sActivationStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(TextBlock.TextProperty,activationBinding))
Here, DateConverter is your IConverter class you have created to format the DateTime value specified by the activationDate property of the relevant object. Then you use the binding like this:
<TextBlock Style="{DynamicResource activationDate}" DataContext="{Binding}" />
Voila! You now have a datatemplate, loaded at runtime, with a binding set as a dynamic resource.
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